Reads and Counts Tutoring Program

  ffewTutors. Mentors. Leaders.

Here at Texas A&M University, Reads & Counts tutors are part of a long-standing institutional commitment to community service. The program began in association with the America Reads Challenge, a federal initiative to increase child literacy rates across the nation.

Approximately 180 Aggies work at 26 locations throughout Bryan and College Station, tutoring elementary students in reading and math. Tutors make a huge impact on our community, as over 95 percent of public elementary school students in B/CS have the opportunity to work with a Reads & Counts tutor. However, it is not only the elementary students who benefit from tutoring; Aggies gain valuable work experience, have opportunities for advancement to leadership positions and receive financial aid they have been awarded in the form of work study.

**We are currently interviewing to fill our last few open spots for fall. Please submit your COMPLETE application (Application, class schedule, & proof of work study eligibility) to be considered for an interview for a fall tutoring positon.